Mirror Talk: Honor Yourself

Stefanie Johnson
4 min readJun 7, 2019

Eph 6:2–3 Honor..is the first commandment that has a promise attached to it, namely, “so you will live well and have a long life.”

There they went again, taking you with them into a rabbit hole mentality of “what did I do wrong”. Here you go again, shoulders down and face in your hands in another moment of despair that pins you down like a block of cement. When you tolerate dishonor, you play with fire. It is a fire that your tears can not put out.

A person that says “sorry” multiple times needs to be released so that they can be sorry somewhere else. Holding on to someone out of fear of being alone divorces you from yourself. It is better to let go and go through the trial of healing your heart for a moment than a lifetime of pain.

When will you realize that you stay nowhere when you stay with dishonor?

Let a person realize on their own that it takes not having the good anymore to realize how good they had it. There is no gain in jumping through hoops and lapping behind them like a thirsty puppy hoping to prove your worth to them. You must stop hanging on to people that aren’t interested.

You stay nowhere when you stay with dishonor.

Stop investing in the disengaged. Stop investing in those who maintain their attitude of indifference. You are someone who tries to…



Stefanie Johnson

I aspire to inspire before I expire :). I write to share my spiritual journey and to provide hope for others. We are never alone ❤.